Supplements for EDS sufferers
picture source Managing EDS with vitamins? It can be very daunting, trying to manage a rare condition which hardly anyone has heard of or understands, including doctors! I'm always digging around to get better information. Analysing causal factors for the condition is rather futile, as it keeps changing and every day is different, but I was interested in this article - a paper by Mantle, Wilkins and Preedy proposing that a regimen of vitamin and mineral supplements could help alleviate some EDS symptoms. Here is the link to the article, which I notice is actually 20 years old now... using supplements to treat EDS And here is the table I lifted from that article to show you which vitamins and minerals were suggested and the dosages. It's interesting, isn't it? So what to do with this information? It took me many years to find an Integrative Medicine GP who could begin to help me. I had hypothyroidism, chronic urticaria, unexplained pains and other symptoms which were drivi